Wednesday, January 24, 2007

It's Not Like Sitting at a Desk All Day

All I can say is WOW! I am really out of shape. I started my new job at Jiffy Lube on Monday. I'm not going to lie it was kinda nice to work on cars again. It has just reminded me on how much I love doing that kind of work, but man am I sore. It's not like sitting at a desk all day which is so easy to get used to and get in the groove of. I also have to wake up early unlike my job at Prosper where I didn't have to be at work until 11 am. My schedule does work out nicely to where I can make it to the weekly trainings for selling security systems. It is a lot harder to make it to the gym twice a day when I am so wiped out. I forgot how much energy it takes to run back and forth, up and down, and reach in so many awkward hard to reach places. My body is so sore all over. I know I will get back in shape but how long will it take?

I have been sick the whole time that I haven't been working. It was the perfect time to be sick because I was able to get the rest I needed. So I had been better last weekend and I thought perfect because I have to start work on Monday. Well I don't know what I did to get sick again but now I am sick again. Last time it was more like strep thought this time it is a full blown cold. It could be a few different things or a combination of reason how I could have gotten sick. I went to Jethro's the other night and everyone over there was sick so I could have caught the bug when I was there. I also went to our new hot tub and that was probably not a good idea because it was late and also very cold outside. So here I am sick again and I am worried about how I am going to do at work tomorrow. It is nice that I was just able to pick right back up knowing how to do everything still. I am sure everyone that I work with is happy that I can do everything I need to do and they don't have to keep an eye on me. That's always frustrating when you have to keep and eye over someones shoulder the whole time. I am glad though that it is only going to be for two months.

I am so excited to move back down to Southern California. I can't wait. Having this job where I already know what I am doing will make it go by really fast. We are a lot more busy than the other shop I worked at but we do sell as many extra services as I used to sell. I know though that if I had worked at a place where I had to learn everything time would not go by as fast. I cant believe it is Wednesday already. I am excited for this weekend. I get to do training for selling security systems. It is hands on training so my boss is going to take me out knocking on doors. It should be very helpful. I am glad that we are going to be going to an area where I used to live because I have been able to provide them with some helpful information as too where to go selling (even though I don't really know the area that well.) And also thank you everyone for all the support in me doing this. Every time I find something that I think is a really good opportunity I always am sceptical of telling everyone because I don't want everyone to think I am making a stupid decision. I mean you know me when I decide I am going to do something there is no talking me out of it. So its nice to make a decision where everyone is on my side rather than opposing it. Maybe that shows that I am finally growing up and making good decisions. And especially thank you George for believing that I will do good. I mean I know I am going to be the number one salesman but it is just good to hear someone else think I can do it cause it just lets me know that I am not the only crazy one. I know that I am going to do a good job. I just really think that I am a really good sales man. I learn the techniques quickly and it just feels so natural to me. I am always so comfortable when I talk to people about the product or service that I am selling. That's where good training and product knowledge makes all the difference. I feels so good to have a family that supports and believes in me. I am really glad that I did this blog because it has just opened my eyes even wider to all the love my family has for me.


jethrojones said...

Yes! I got you sick. Congratulations.

Amy said...

I am glad that you doing well at Jiffy Lube. Sorry you are sick though... :(